Professor Bury covers the entire range of Greek historical writing form from its inception in the pseudo-historical aspects of the epics to the influence of Greek thought on Roman historiography.
John Bagnell Bury (1861-1927), known as J. B. Bury, was an eminent Irish historian, classical scholar, Byzantinist and philologist. Bury was born and raised in Clontibret, County Monaghan.
This book is a reproduction of that original, typed out and formatted to perfection, allowing new generations to enjoy the work. Publishers of the Valley's mission is to bring long out of print manuscripts back to life.
Bury's comprehensive approach and insightful commentary make this book a valuable resource for those looking to deepen their understanding of the progression of intellectual liberty throughout history.
Patrick eventually became a priest and returned to Ireland as a missionary in 432. This book also takes you through Saint Patrick's lifelong struggle of diffusing Christianity across and beyond the Roman Empire ..."--Provided by publisher.
J.B. Bury was a celebrated historian who wrote around the turn of the 19th century. His classics on the Roman Empire and Greece still stand among the best texts on the classical civilizations.