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Thanksgiving from
... Thanksgiving • which simply gets lost in the shuffle, would be ideal. I must admit that once the weather starts changing, the "holiday" mode sets in for me. I love to bake cookies and pies and they seem to taste so much better this time ...
Thanksgiving from
... Thanksgiving" — Nan Landless, Willie Cooper, Dorothy Plunkett, William Roberts, Frieda Neely, Robert Gossuch. Song: "A Turkey" — Evelyn Elbon. Recitation: "Tomorrow is Thanksgiving" — Gasper Moyers.-. Song: "Going to Grandmothers"— Both ...
Thanksgiving from
... Thanksgiving Proclamation for Nov. 26, 1789. The new nation had much for which to be thankful, including the fact that it would be 150 years before Thanksgiving was officially made into a handmaiden of commerce and turned into the ...
Thanksgiving from
... Thanksgiving Eve and Thanksgiving Day services and events include the following: Baptist. Azalea Baptist Church, 7900 22nd Ave. N, an. nual Thanksgiving churchwide dinner! 6:30 p.m. today, ' Bay Ridge Baptist Church, 6155 113th St: N ...
Thanksgiving from
... Thanksgiving Point Resort. property with a single landowner and a vision of a clean, friendly, and safe place for people within the Stale community. At lhat time Ihe owners of Thanksgiving Point reali/.ed that the property surrounding ...
Thanksgiving from
... Thanksgiving day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Faith were their son and family Mr. and Mrs. Bob Faith, Nancy Vicki and Bobby of Tulsa, Okla. They spent the week end and were joined on Sunday by the Faith's other son and ...
Thanksgiving from
... Thanksgiving has become more of a habit instead of a tradition," John said. Junior Kalhy Lennon said "Thanksgiving should bo a time when people rtalize the many freedoms they enjoy and too often |ako for granted. think tho ones who ...
Thanksgiving from
... Thanksgiving poses an entertainment dilemma: What to do with people who are so loaded down and languid from feasting that lively conversation is anathema? With relatives who haven't seen each other since last Thanksgiving ...
Thanksgiving from
Churches in Pittsburgh Plan to Hold Thanksgiving Services Today, Thursday. Thanksgiving was to be the theme ot services in many churches in the Pittsburgh district today. In connection with a special Thanksgiving service in the First ...
Thanksgiving from
... Thanksgiving Dulcet by the score. Don't fail to hear Hon. Frederick Douglass Monday night. Vermont street church will be crowded day and night, November 30. There will ba a grand Thanksgiving dinner at Corinthian Baptist church. Mrs ...